Friday, October 21, 2011

Silent Sorority

I haven’t found anyone who doesn’t have any living children, has had a loss and will never have another chance.  I have one friend who has one living child, one angel baby and can’t have any MORE children.  But she at least has one living child.  I have another friend who has 2 living children, and may or may not have more.  The closest one I know has had multiple losses, and just found out she has a disease that means she has to be EXTREMELY careful if she gets pregnant again.  I do have one friend who has never been pregnant, so no loss, and probably won’t have children but it is a decision that she and her husband have made based on age and their specific situation.

But I don’t know anyone that has no children, lost their only and can’t have anymore.  I sure I have already said this and will probably say it a thousand more times, but it is really kind of the theme of my life.  I am not in the club, I will never be in the club, and so far I am the ONLY one I know who isn’t in the club, but not by choice. 

I want to start a support group for women like me…but I won’t have anyone there but myself!!!  If you know of anyone who is like me, if you are like me – no matter where you are, please put me in contact or contact me!

I just bought a book called "Silent Sorority - A Barren Woman Gets Busy, Angry, Lost and Found" by Pamela Mahoney Tisgdinos.  Maybe I will get some help and clarity and hope from this book

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