So although this day has had some hard moments, it has mostly been filled with joy. And it just keeps getting better. We went to the zoo - and of course Brad paid for ALL of us to get into the zoo cause he is just awesome like that. (Jimmy Ray paid for breakfast, Glenna paid for lunch, Brad paid for gas and zoo, Glenna paid for dinner, JR paid for coffee. It was a Battle of the Payers. I of course got away scott free!!!) Anyway, we had the best time. We ate greasy burgers and corn dogs for lunch. Then we went into the "animals of the night" exhibit - awch! It stunk, but was still pretty cool. I thought for sure I'd have nightmares. We saw the polar bears, the alligators, the monkeys, the gorillas...
(A baby started crying while we were sitting there watching this female silver back. When she heard the baby she started making cooing noises similiar to what human women make for their own babies. It was sweet / surreal / freaky.)
...the zebras, the giraffes (including a baby one!), the lions...
(She was lying down and then all of a sudden got up and hopped up on the log like she heard or saw something excited. I am glad she wasn't looking at me!)
...and the coolest experience for me ever at a zoo was when we saw the grizzly bears.
Yes, that is a real, live, grizzly bear. No, there is no glass between me and the bear. No, this is not a telephoto lens. Yes, that is a real live grizzly bear less than 3 feet from my EYE. Coolest picture I will probably ever take! |
We ended the day with a ridiculously yummy dinner at Colton's steakhouse. Then we came back to our house, hung out for awhile and then Glenna and Brad hit the road at 9:30pm!
I cried as they rode out the driveway, but it was so worth it and we had the best time. It was a much needed break from the heaviness that had been my heart this past week. My sister is the second greatest person on earth (the first being Jimmy Ray, of course). We always have so much fun with them as couples.
What an awesome awesome fun bittersweet exciting hilarious weekend! Thanks Brad and Glenna for driving up for the day to be with us. Thanks Jimmy Ray for taking a RARE day off to spend with me and my favorite people.
So glad y'all had a great day!!