I have the best sister in the world. I know lots of people say that, but mine really is. She has sacrificed for and invested in me just as much as she has her own two children. After my mother died, my sister totally took over taking care of me, when my dad was just too sad and confused to do it.
She was there when I had my first real kiss. She was there when I fell in love the first time. She was there the first time my heart was broken. She talked to me about things my mother would have talked to me about and my daddy never could. She stopped me from being stupid and she taught me to be smart. She taught me how to be resourceful, self-reliant, independent and confident. She is the perfect example of integrity, honesty, kindness and unselfishness. She exudes strength, determination and wisdom.
She cried when I tried on my wedding dress. She spent my last night being single with me. She stayed at my house for days after my wedding, decorating, buying me stuff we needed and leaving me sweet notes everywhere. She drove to Memphis to take care of me when I had surgery - twice. She has guided, led and advised me in every job trauma, change, upheaval, placement and resignation. She played peacemaker with Jimmy Ray and I during the roughest spot in our marriage because she loves Jimmy Ray too.
She was the first person we told, and almost wrecked her van when we told her I was pregnant. She bought me my first baby gift. She arranged the lunch at which we suprised my dad with the news. She fell apart and broke down crying when I told her John Preston had died. She drove most of the night to be here when he was born. She guarded the door and didn't let people into see me. She stayed for a week to take care of me.
She has listened for inumberable hours as I cried, ranted, raved, analyzed, over-analyzed, giggled, laughed, talked and talked and talked. She has shared her hardest and saddest moments with me.
There aren't words to describe all she has done for me. There aren't words to describe all she has done for her children, her friends, her family. There aren't words to describe the beautiful, incredible, delightful angel that she is.